Journal 77: Testing IS Documentation

This journal's required reflection is to list the five most important things I learned in this course, (Java II, CST-438 Spring Boot Framework with React/Software Engineering at CSUMB) and why I chose them: Trunk based development in conjunction with Agile development is a correct paradigm, or at least a broadly applicable one. The reason is that I have discovered this on my own, in independent projects, and class material has reinforced this as being the paradigm in use by Google, and the paradigm Google engineers belive is most widely applicable. Spring Boot Framework with Java, MySQL and React using RabbitMQ for a service manager is quick, easy and a robust methodology to develop with. What we built has user authorization, a rich front end with easy build-ability, a MySQL connection with lots of database functionality automated for us because of the framework, and a back end built in Java with Eclipse which is pretty speedy because of all the auto-fill and problem checking Eclip...