Arlon's CSUMB ProSeminar CST300 Module 6 Learning Journal for the week Wed 02/10-Tues 02/16, year 2021


Arlon's CSUMB ProSeminar CST300 Module 6 Learning Journal for the week Wed 02/10-Tues 02/16, year 2021

journal 6

Well I was happy we were finally handed a programming project this week - create the ILP website [bones] - Arlon Arriola's ILP Site although with zero instruction other than we can just use a free builder like weebly and here's a youtube on how to use weebly, I almost feel bad not only already knowing how to make a website that does this but already having built not only an entire framework that handles it but an entire Java GUI app that manages the content and blasts out the JSON, PHP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS to make it all into a coherent REST capable website, not only that but one that uses AJAX page retrieval in addition to hard-rendering each page with PHP first so it has REST and also so google can crawl all the pages. So instead of - or actually in addition to weebly I used my WebBlaster program to make it. I haven't used Weebly yet but I'll try it, for sure. WebBlaster is my Java Swing desktop application that takes a folder heirarchy of files as input and creates a JSON file and a PHP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS  REST website out of the folders and files it's given as input. The fun part is that I can add any features I need - and since Weebly is a suggestion I will of course try a site using that tool too, I love learning new tools. So I plan to mirror the site in Weebly and in WebBlaster, but I made it first with WebBlaster, since I doubt if Weebly lets you add lightning and sound effects, and I'm guessing (I haven't looked yet, but I'm going to) I'm guessing you can't do AJAX with REST with Weebly either. WebBlaster is doing that, the pages are all rendered separately with PHP so they are hard pages but then soft retrieved with AJAX for a quick interface - and as you can see it has REST, and I of course added sound effects and lightning. It's kind of funny that Weebly and WebBlaster have similar names. Mine's WebBlaster.US, theirs is Theirs is shorter obviously, which is good, but mines obviously 10x cooler sounding, as always. Do you want a weebly? Or do you want a WebBlaster?!?!? I'd never heard of Weebly until this week, I'll try it soon.

I've written before that I've put entire corporations into obsolescence. This is another example of what I mean by that. In this case though the comparison isn't straight across because they obviously have me beat in two huge realms: their product is for the public, and their product is available to the public. My product is only intended for myself to use to make websites for other people. I hope to have them beat (at least someday!) in quality of the end product but, I will let the world be the judge, anyways my point is that they had a whole corporation of people creating something akin to what I created on my own, alone. This WebBlaster framework to create this style of site was done in 2018, but the CSUMB ILP site I created this week using the framework since the requirements for the ILP assignment were basically to create a coherent set of pages corresponding to our ILP requirements. When I made the WebBlaster site building REST framework I was very excited to be able to make the REST format look like it does, although I wasn't able to ditch the question mark I at least don't have ?q=param like drupal (without clean urls turned on) does.

Again, my 9 specific computer science questions remain and I'm adding 2 more for a total of 11 unanswered questions now:

Gain knowledge of how to:

System and Network Administration:

  • Configure my Cloudflare account to point to my router, configure my router to allow secure incoming http/https connections, and be able to use that as a LAMP hosting setup for websites.
  • Configure my Cloudflare account to point to my router, configure my router to allow secure incoming SSH connections, and be able to use that as a remote SSH/VPN so I can administer the system remotely.

Those two items seem closely related, and - I mean - in Knoppix - not in Windows, not in RedHat, not in CentOS - in Knoppix, specifically in Knoppix.

  • Build and back-build Knoppix, and be able to work around publicly available software dependency problems. I have been stuck for a few years now on 'installing that package will break bladebladebla whatever dependency software...'
  • Tunnel PulseAudio output with socat over SSH - for sound with VNC, among other applications. In Knoppix.
  • How to figure out what to do when you can ping your ssh server but not actually connect to it, even if you can connect to it with a different client.

One client appears to just be bunk - it's an old ssh app on an old phone - Connect Bot - but still - why - how - do you figure it out for sure, by troubleshooting?

  • What exactly are all the netmask and gateway and all the network settings, how exactly to use them and understand all the network options.

And other similar networking and admin and troubleshooting questions.


  • Check and verify the security implications of the first two items, hosting and VPN.


  • Programming those little chips you can buy, making them connect to servos and then . . . . !!!! (Making an army of little Robots that does everything we need them to, and robotify everything mechanical around me....)
  • A Java Swing GUI with a slider that opens and closes a valve for water somewhere, somehow, in the real world. And/or turns a motor or pushes a servo.

And This week's additions to my list of knowledge needs:

  • #how to execute a command after init 3 in the same line


sudo init -e cmatrix 3 #but that doesn't work

sudo init 3 -e cmatrix #neither does that

sudo init -e "cmatrix" 3 #etc

  • how to startx as a user other than knoppix in knoppix

(without using vncserver or xtightvncviewer)

Link to this weeks creation: Arlon Arriola's ILP Site

I had the intro page already but I didn't have the intro page incorporated into the framework which was a project, there also wasn't any back site before this week, at all, it was just the intro page with links. The assignment was to create a website demonstrating our ILP which is Arlon Arriola's ILP Site

This weeks focus was career oriented, we learned to and made a resume with a cover letter, I also included a cover graphic for fun, and learned what employers look for in new employees.

Capstone ideas we discussed were my three from last weeks blog and Glorianas three which were creating a system for streamlining login and other actions by syncing with an existing system for a specific school system, streamlining document parsing, organization and storage into a database application, and a third idea Gloriana presented was an idea for a spelling education application with an optimized interface directed specifically for learning in known psychologically effective ways. We also discussed our group video project which is edge computing, Siju made a script and we decided on future roles for the assignment.


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