Arlon's CSUMB ProSeminar CST300 Module 5 Learning Journal for the week Wed 02/03-Tues 02/09, year 2021

Arlon's CSUMB ProSeminar CST300 Module 5 Learning Journal for the week Wed 02/03-Tues 02/09, year 2021

I made comments on two student blogs, Cristian and Cheuk's, regarding educational and career goals, the links are:

Capstone Ideas

1. HyperBlaster - some effort toward an elegantly designed and coded Java version of HyperCard that uses lots of interesting programming paradigms.

Produces JSON output that renders programs in Swing and/or JavaScript/HTML and/or PHP/HTML and/or JavaScript/PHP/HTML and/or Perl/Tk and/or Python/Tk.

2. Running a non-trivial Java program on a cluster I set up and configure that actually somehow uses the cluster nodes to optimize it's computation speed.

3. Java Swing GUI app connected to servos that controls an entire boat or car.

4. All of the above in one: a cluster-ran-cluster-optimized HyperBlaster program made from a Java Swing GUI and renders cluster-ran-cluster-optimized-HyperBlaster-programs including ones that can control servos that can control machinery, vehicles, fluid and other types of systems.

I am 'updating' my learning goals to include one more small group of things:

  • How to figure out what to do when you can ping your ssh server but not actually connect to it, even if you can connect to it with a different client.

  • What exactly are all the netmask and gateway and all the network settings, how exactly to use them and understand all the network options.

  • And other similar networking and admin and troubleshooting questions.

I already basically said this in last week's blog but I think I'm ready to start making robot components.

We fixed out washing machine servo this week and I couldn't help but notice the way it worked.

How simple it must be to control.

  • So I have a new goal that is related: a Java Swing GUI with a slider that opens and closes a valve for water somewhere, somehow, in the real world.

The rest of the goals are listed:

Regarding what we have learned this week, I really appreciate being able to revisit argumentation inconsistencies such as logical fallacies because it is such a core concept and yet it was long forgotten until I was reminded. Circular reasoning and things like that are very common and I had almost forgotten about them.

For internship and graduate programs I think my best bet is to probably target companies making robots, chips or some kind of systems do things with Java programs, or, web development, or game development, or system optimization by writing programs that people didn't realize could be written to fill tasks. For example, I wrote one program that clicks on Windows XP minesweeper and lets me beat it faster than the human world record, with assistance from the program clicking on available squares. I made a spin-off of that that could play Windows XP Freecell, to demonstrate the capabilities for my dad. I know one local company, MBARI that makes robots go around in the Monterey Bay and chart out the water but I think they program the chips with C, which is slightly less interesting to me than Java, I think maybe just because I am a fan of tools that do the most stuff. Java seems like one of those tools, where C is just for programming the chips. It would be interesting either way though, even if I preferred Java just for personal preference, it would still be interesting to see it in C.


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