Arlon's CSUMB Java Software Design CST-338 Module 2 Learning Journal 10 for the week Wed 03/10-Tues 03/16, year 2021

 Arlon's CSUMB Java Software Design CST-338 Module 2 Learning Journal 10 for the week Wed 03/10-Tues 03/16, year 2021

OOP is not in all languages.  Have you used one that does not?

Yes: C, HyperCard, CSS, HTML, Excel

What was your experience?

I don't necessarily prefer object oriented over the paradigm of hierarchical-ness. I would put hierarchical-ness above object oriented paradigm in importance. I do think object oriented paradigm is important and useful, perhaps not to the extent Java tries to extrapolate it - because there are other paradigms than just object oriented - simply a hierarchical paradigm can accomplish what object oriented paradigm trys to accomplish.

How extensively have you used OOP outside of the classroom?

I have used Java with object oriented paradigm outside of the classroom on my own for over twenty years, since about 1999 I started learning Java for myself in order to use it to make AccountBlaster.

Are you experience[d] with UML diagrams and do they help?

I do not have experience with UML diagrams. I like to know everything, so I will look them up.

Update your learning journal from what you experienced this week with class:

Well I experienced a lot this week.

Being a stakeholder in the Knoppix operating system, since it is my favorite operating system, I look it up every so often to see if there are new versions - I was excited Friday to see that there was! 9.1! And Klaus Knopper, the creator was giving a talk about it Saturday! The talk was at 5am - and in German - and in Germany - but I was there - virtually! I took screenshots of the diagrams and commands (which were actually in English?) he was using! That was very exciting. I love Knoppix because I can do everything with it that I can do with Windows except run one piece of real estate appraisal software I'm about to replace myself anyway, and maybe a few other minor things. So seeing the talk by the creator and getting a new version are both very exciting. The new version presents a few new challenges, story of my life, right!

The programming assignment I wrote really quickly until I read the English part of the spec which was extraordinarily illogical, self-contradicting and literally mathematically impossible to fulfill 100% as written. So I'm not sure if this was intentional simulation of a confused client, but I mirrored the spec in my feature set exactly, improving it a hair in that it seemed like the spec specified that the last input should be dropped off which I didn't do because that would be like the casino cheating - I added a passed parameter and some other minor additions - to compensate for the self contradicting English specification's grammar which couldn't possibly be correct because it's self contradicting. There were lots of inconsistencies in the spec. Integer validation was something that happened yet the spec went on and on about String validation which was never necessary anywhere.

Object oriented paradigm was strangely ignored, instead creating an object and subsequently filling it in main - what would normally be in the constructor - filling it with a method off the main method.

There was a really strange paradigm described with respect to a variable called MAX_PULLS which described input going one pull past max pull inherently by the description - the description specifies that only max entries will be stored an that whatever stores it returns false if it can't be stored, which ends the program - this implies ignored input or going past max - I'd rather make future programmers mad than the user so I went past max - max should semantically be labelled one_less_than_max if more logic were applied to what is described. I would write more but I'm running out of time.


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