Arlon's CSUMB Java Software Design CST-338 Module 7 Learning Journal 15 for the week Wed 04/14-Tues 04/20, year 2021

Arlon's CSUMB Java Software Design CST-338 Module 7 Learning Journal 15 for the week Wed 04/14-Tues 04/20, year 2021

Prescribed questions:

Have you ever created an app before, either for Android or iPhone? How did it go?

I've made tons of web apps - presumably the question is directed at mobile apps - which I'm completely new to, sort of by choice. since computers are bigger, and overall more powerful and easier to completely use I guess. You don't have to spend a half hour writing one sentence on a computer. My phone on the other hand....

I started an Android class at Cabrillo College once with Professor Hodges and made a button that changed colors, but I think that's been it for me for mobile app development. This weeks app was much cooler, a video, a splash screen, a list that goes to more information about classes, toast messages, lots of connecty-stuff, I thought it was a really good assignment. Android Studio itself is a little nutty, taking up 20 gigabytes, 70 megabytes per hello-world app and hours to install, depending, deleting my nearly-completed project for no reason.

Do you have any ideas for apps that you could create for recreation? What about business?

Yeah, my AccountBlaster already works great in Chrome on Android, but I guess I don't have any real great ideas besides creating more versions of AccountBlaster and Super Bomb Reversi and Appraisal software perhaps.

Update your learning journal from what you experienced this week with class.

I happen to know huge dependency riddled software breaks and I see it - Android Studio can barely keep itself together - I had to rebuild my entire project from scratch (well I had the text files so that made it a lot easier - but ) Android Studio straight deleted how the project worked at 6pm. That was because I was backing up the folder and importing it to make sure I could revert any breaking changes - that backfired on me. Even my backup software wasn't set right to fully remove files and didn't save me - but I didn't mind rebuilding it, as long as I didn't miss the deadline, which I didn't. I still don't know why, I just know the software seems really brittle. And I already knew that before I installed it. Which is why I didn't put it on any permanent operating system - I put it on a fresh install of Mint on a flash drive. I wound up using my best computer for it because - I tried -

  • Android Studio on Windows 10 on a dual processor Dell Optiplex with 8gb ram: fail - no emulator
  • Android Studio on Knoppix on a dual processor Dell Optiplex with 8gb ram: fail - no 32 bit install option
  • Android Studio in Mint in Qemu on Knoppix on a dual processor Dell Optiplex with 8gb ram: Closer - That was the one I really wanted to work - Intall works amazingly - but no emulator.
  • Android Studio in Mint on a dual processor Dell Optiplex with 8gb ram: Closer Yet - Intall works - Emulator Works! For about a half an hour. Then it fries.
  • So then I thought - ok maybe remote in from a faster computer - Fail - VLC remote - no Emulator for some reason
  • Mint worked on anything with a decent processor - I know windows does too but windows itself is brittle when you dump a gigantic monstrosity like Android Studio onto it
  • So I wound up going with a fresh Mint (20.1) on my best computer with 99% success except that Android Studio completely broke my project 6 hours before it was due for no reason and I had to rebuild it from scratch.
  • Other than that I had a lot of fun with the auto complete, and how all the stuff connects together, it's kind of cool software. I'd write more but the sands of time are running out.


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