Arlon's CSUMB Java Software Design CST-338 Module 8 Learning Journal 16 for the week Wed 04/21-Fri 04/23, year 2021

Arlon's CSUMB Java Software Design CST-338 Module 8 Learning Journal 16 for the week Wed 04/21-Fri 04/23, year 2021

Prescribed Questions:

They say hindsight is 20/20, what advice would you give to the next cohort regarding this course? I would give them sincere advice, and good advice, but I would have to keep it between myself and them.

How much do you envision using the skills you gained in this course in your career? A lot because not only was Android super fun, I love MVC framework now and I want to finish my final project, hopefully very soon, if not tonight. I have orientation in the morning so probably very soon instead of tonight. My final project was called

Arlon's MVC Remote Blaster 5000 2021 Extreme - Part I

and it was a wizard style program built with Java MVC that will facilitate remote desktop connections between various types of computers.

Update your learning journal from what you experienced this week with class.

This weeks Java was: You get three days to concieve, design, document, create a specification for, a UML diagram for, and create a Java program that you haven't thought of yet. That's like saying do 20 years of work in three days. But it was super fun, I came up with a really short project, built it with Java MVC, had to use threads for waiting, manipulating JFrame windows, and it came out to over 1,200 lines and was super complicated interesting, all while maintaining inner logic, structure, hierarchical functionality and with plenty of room to grow.

Asking me to do a project like this is asking someone who loves writing in wierd paradigms in Java to write a wierd paradigm in Java, right after showing us MVC and Android development which is super complicated-but-not.

This is what I do for fun, it's like telling a little kid to go watch cartoons on Saturday morning, Java programming is literally my very favorite hobby above all others.

But I'm also not used to a three day time constraint for a computer program - I am for real estate appraisal reports though - and I've been programming for a really long time so I'm really pretty quick at it. I was telling my team members - I use the mouse a lot - ctrl-drag duplicates stuff, and I do that a lot - hilite-ctrl-drag, among other time saving tricks I use. Ctrl-d duplicates a line, that's handy. You have to know your program though, because last week for Android, I was ctrl-z-ctrl-y-ing and it turns out ctrl-y is yank, not redo - I lost a few minutes of work that way, not too bad, I realized what was happening - hey I didn't just have all those lines deleted ...!

So for the three day time constraint, for this project, after much brainstorming and crossing off of the bad ideas I decided on and wrote a MVC wizard with threads to facilitate VNC over SSH or rdesktop from Linux to Linux or Windows or Mac or any or all of the above. It's a short wizard so I figured it was a good candidate for three days - I was really close, but I didn't quite make it. I got the framework complete, threading between windows, waiting, two of three dialogs completed and one left, also the actual shell commands are yet to be included.

The time constraint was a big catch 22 for the project - concieve it design it spec it build it, UML it all within a three day period. Going from zero idea to an idea just itself is tough. So I brainstormed and crossed off the bad ideas, got the idea going by the first day, the program going by the second and documentation by the third. I wrote it mostly in Notepad++ in Wine in Knoppix 8.6.1 in VirtualBox in Windows 7 in Remote Desktop in Windows 8.1 while syncing files for crash safety. No, I'm not kidding that's usually how I do it, or one of many ways actually. The program is intended to be for any of the OSs so I have all of them but a Mac ready to finish off the testing - I didn't get that far, but almost! Maybe soon!


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