Arlon's CSUMB Intro to Database Systems CST-363 Module 8 Learning Journal #8/#24 for the (short) week Wednesday 06/16-Friday 06/18, year 2021
Arlon's CSUMB Intro to Database Systems CST-363 Module 8 Learning Journal #8/#24 for the (short) week Wednesday 06/16-Friday 06/18, year 2021
Prompt for week 8:
Briefly describe the three most important things - in your opinion- you learned in this course.
Before this class I didn't know you could A) do arithmetic in a mysql query, B) do a join just using a comma and I also did not know C) JavaScript of but we learned lots of other great things too, here is my list:
- JavaScript of
- Arithmetic in queries
- Joins just with a comma instead of saying inner join etc.
- Mongo Database
- SQL upon SQL, building programs with SQL ie inserts with selects like this one from our homework last week:
/* load the hsddw customer table from hsd customer */ insert into hsddw.customer (customerid, customername, emaildomain, phoneareacode, city, state, zip) select customerid, concat( trim(lastname), ' ', trim(firstname)), substring(emailaddress, locate('@', emailaddress)+1), substring(phone,1,3), city, state, zip from hsd.CUSTOMER;
(like I also mentioned in my journal last week). - Spring Boot
- Joins, Joins Joins, and More Joins
- MySQL Workbench
- ER Diagrams
- Turning an ER Diagram into a working database with 'Forward Engineer...'
Things I will study more that I didn't learn as much as I would have liked from this class because of time constraints are:
- Disk Access
- B Trees
- B+ Trees
- Indexes
- Sparse Indexes
All The Database Knowledge is Extremely Useful And Greatly Appreciated So Thank You For The Great Class!!!
Life Journal Notes:
Hey - Human Rights - has religious exemption paperwork so you don't have to get your face melted off for the sake of the latest political nonsense.
Thanks for reading!
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