Arlon's CSUMB Intro to Operating Systems CST-334 Module 3 Learning Journal #3/#27 for the week Wed 07/07-Tues 07/13, year 2021

Arlon's CSUMB Intro to Operating Systems CST-334 Module 3 Learning Journal #3/#27 for the week Wed 07/07-Tues 07/13, year 2021

This week in class we studied OS paradigms for memory management which has to do with where the OS decides to put the actual memory while serving virtual memory addresses to programs and itself.

There are several types of spaces for memory like for where the code goes (code space), where the procedure calls go (stack) and where variables and arrays go in memory (heap). Code is static because it's the code, stack space and heap space grow. So the book goes through the reasoning process of first putting them face-to-face growing inward with code space outside of them, then staggering inward with something called base and bounds and multiple programs fit in the same area, then base and bounds with segmentation based on a complicated segmentation process where the OS translates memory to different segments.

In addition, after this week we are now introduced to grep, regex, awk, sed, and the C lab was pipes in C on top of last weeks threads programs, which was very very interesting.

I also had a philosophical realization this week with regard to last week's lecture topics - processor decision making. I find it quite helpful for both short and long-term time planning to make a to-do list for myself - it turns life into a math problem. Then I sort the list - according to - not shortest job first - not most important job first - there's a weighted art to how I sort it - just like what is being talked about with regard to processor scheduling. If I put shortest job first I'd be doing a bunch of short unimportant stuff and get really really bored. If I put most important job first I think I'd fail at a lot of other life tasks - what you have to do - probably most people just do this without knowing it - perhaps even without realizing it mistakenly label their own actions as procrastination - what you have to do is consider all things as one - and do what's best for all things at hand. A little bit of the short projects, a little bit of the important longer projects, and as focused as possible for the longer projects. Anyways my point was that it seems just like what the CPU scheduler has to think about - humans do it too!


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