Arlon's CSUMB Intro to Operating Systems CST-334 Module 7 Learning Journal #7/#31 for the week Wed 08/04-Tues 08/10, year 2021

Arlon's CSUMB Intro to Operating Systems CST-334 Module 7 Learning Journal #7/#31 for the week Wed 08/04-Tues 08/10, year 2021

Journal spec: What to Write in your Journal Entry Write a 1 - 2 paragraph description of what you learned this seventh week in CST 334 Topic: persistence.

On the topic of persistence, learning a little bit about inodes and superblocks explained a few things for me. I have a pretty good grasp of how disks work and I think talking about file system implementations is a good idea. There are lots of different kinds and I'd like to know the differences between several of them. I know some have special features. Knoppix uses ReiserFS for the data partition and I'm not sure why but I think I remember reading somewhere it has something to do with good reliability.

Other than that, this week we learned video editing, narration, voice control, and that I was wrong about being right about last weeks's lab, I don't know what was wrong with it but I will find out if I can. The minor problems the lab prior had were fixed by moving the join line into the same loop with the thread creates. This apparently kept it from running out of memory which apparently caused all zeros as output.

Other than that I did some screen sharing using Discord, some pretty good chat software our group uses, and some screen recording with Zoom - my current favorite for screen recording, including my voice and/or screen and/or face.

I used a fresh Mint for using OpenShot video editor and Discord together on the same 64 bit OS and also on my good computer with lots of RAM for the video editing.

I am extremely looking forward to a) figuring out what I did wrong on last week's threads with semaphores in C lab and also b) excited for the next class which is TCP/IP because I want to learn how to do two things: port forward my router and know what to do with my other routers when I port forward to ssh to an ssh server for a VPN into my office - and web hosting (hosting - I know site building, system admin - and I know hosting - but I don't know the port forwarding that gets the hosting at my house. I know how to do port forwarding but I don't know the implications of multiple levels of routers. I read somewhere you just put the rest of them into DMZ. That sounds bad. That's where I'm at with all that.)


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