Arlon's CSUMB Intro to Operating Systems CST-334 Module 8 Learning Journal #8/#32 for the week Wed 08/11-Tues 08/17 (Sat 8/14?), year 2021

Arlon's CSUMB Intro to Operating Systems CST-334 Module 8 Learning Journal #8/#32 for the week Wed 08/11-Tues 08/17 (Sat 8/14?), year 2021

Update Thursday 08/20/2021 - The school has officially notified me that these circumstances have been acknowledged, recorded, and presumably corrected as practicality permits, as well as considering actionability against observed offenders!

Update Saturday - yeah - the final too - compromised - for that final, and for all the quizzes, and for the midterm, and also for the labs, cheaters literally could have literally simply drag-n-dropped the questions - to the chrome bar - to cheat - no typing necessary. I would never, ever, ever even consider anything like cheating and I am shocked and appalled.
Update Friday 08/13/2021 Everyone should know, this class is entirely compromised, it's all for sale, every quiz and every lab, the midterm, probably the final too, all up for sale on the internet:
Yes, even the test:
... do I need to keep going?

Journal spec: Write a 1 - 2 paragraph description of what you learned this eighth week in CST 334 Topic: an online learning student completing an inaugural comprehensive Operating Systems course in 8 weeks!

Ahm, this is a short week. We get literally 2 days to take a 5 point quiz that's for sale on the internet, do an evaluation, write this journal, write this:

For this post, please tell me 2 things:

1) How do you plan to use what you learned in this class in your future academic and/or professional development?

I make all kinds of computer programs, all the time. I'm very likely to use some or all of the thread labs, if I can get them right that is, and the labs which used exec() to call bash, I'm sure that's very useful, and I'm sure I'll find many, many uses for C, and bash, and the combination of both! I already have lots of bash scripts that automate lots of stuff in my setup - file sharing, remote access, adding multiple apache virtual hosts, automating Java program builds, file management, etc.

2) How did the Research Collaboration Exploration Project impact your viewpoint of research/professional opportunities available for students?

I can't say that this project did impact my viewpoint of research/professional opportunities available for students, nor can I say without understanding the points I've missed in this class that I'm ready for any research/professional opportunities at this stage - I'm still just trying to figure out what I'm missing for lab 6 - I just want to get the programming right. This might be a sore subject for me, but it made me worry as I have before that there is probably at least 10x more need for technical marketing personnel in the corporate world as there is for new novice programmers - so the curriculum seems to test us to see if we're really marketers or if we really want to be programmers. I don't necessarily want to know how to make videos, or do marketing, just learn programming. Look at Linus Torvalds's personal web page, it's completely plain. That's because he doesn't need to prove himself with marketing, or showing off any html knowledge, he made what he made, the kernel, and that's more than good enough. That's how I want to be, like a real programmer, not like a marketer. Nobody says, 'we want someone who's good at html and videos to make our kernel' - because it's not relevant. Marketers are interesting, Grant Cardone is one I like to listen to - but I'm not going that direction, I'll stick with just hearing their words of wisdom, and writing computer programs that are good enough to warrant teams of marketers making videos about what I'm writing. I know what my skill is, it's programming, and I don't necessarily appreciate being pushed in other directions, because a) it takes away from my time programming and b) it takes away from, and de-enunciates the fact that I'm a good programmer, probably for the same reason Linus Torvalds doesn't want any compliments on how good or bad he is at html.

Even if the video is spectacular, I feel like, instead of just being touted for being a good programmer, being involved in making a good video puts me at risk of programming opportunities being given instead to people who are more known for being good at programming because they spent time at programming and becoming expert at programming instead of the person that was off making videos about programming. Do we want to be programmers, or do we want to make videos promoting other programmers?

I worked at a place where marketers are in one department - and programmers are in another - I already know where I want to be - I'd really like to be in the programming department. Being asked to make videos in programming class, especially before we've mastered the programming - instead of programming - seems a bit like a trick, on me, and nobody likes to be tricked, especially not smart programmers. But I will make sure I get all the details right on all my programs, if at all possible.

And take the final test. The midterm had wonderful questions like 'Would this work?' and then some code that obviously wouldn't compile, and the answer was supposed to be 'Yes' and many other lovely anomalies.

I'm not so sure about this class, as presented - why are the specs so vague - incomplete to the point of making it so you can't even logically complete the assignments as presented - and - why are there solutions for sale on the internet? Why are the test questions and quiz questions inherently wrong? Some of them you just can't answer correctly, as presented. The right answer isn't one of the choices, or the english grammar is so scrambled it doesn't actually mean anything. I found a quiz for sale, and a lab for sale too! That's super fishy! There could even be more somewhere!

Why do we have to make marketing videos? I'm trying to spend my time learning programming, not goofing off making videos! You want me to draw some graphics too? Help with the taxes? Landscaping? Please, I'm here for the programming!

Quiz question - is there more I/O for files with longer paths? If you know, answer in the comments. Supposedly the answer is yes, but I've never seen anything like an effect that in practice. I really want to say the answer is no, but it's just an impression from practical use of file systems. The official answer in the class, not that it's stated anywhere except in a quiz question, is one I/O per folder. So if a picture is three levels deep, there's three I/O's to find the data. I find that hard to believe. Why wouldn't the hierarchical implementation of the folder system just break down into an overall completely linear structure? Think about listing every file on your system, including pathnames. That's a linear list.


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