Arlon's CSUMB Intro to Computer Networks CST-311 Module 2 Learning Journal #2/#34 for the week Wed 09/08-Tues 09/14, year 2021

Arlon's CSUMB Intro to Computer Networks CST-311 Module 2 Learning Journal #2/#34 for the week Wed 09/08-Tues 09/14, year 2021

This week we were able to finalize the sockets with python program both with TCP and UDP and also running off Mininet, I did a third way running the server programs from Mininet the OS and outside the VM my computer's localhost was the client - you have to port forward that port for that to work, with the protocol you're using. That wasn't part of the assignment, but I thought it was for a while until I read everything over again and asked the professor.

So then that illuminated another way I wanted to try and haven't accomplished yet because I'm still not sure of the details. It's at the bottom of the Mininet walkthrough Using a Remote Controller It says to create a software network you can get in from outside of the virtual machine you can start Mininet with something like:

sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=,port=6633
I tried, didn't work, gave up, started doing some other stuff, I'm sure I'll remember to try it some more later, I'm pretty good at picking at something like that until I gradually get all the details straight one by one and it finally works. The Mininet software defined network concept is fascinating and I know I don't know about all the stuff you can do with it yet but just knowing that this is something we can do to simulate and test theoretical network topologies and experiments with networking details is really interesting to me, and I can't wait to learn how to do more stuff with it, all the stuff it can do, with regard to simulating and testing simulations.

Two other sub-objectives I have for myself which may or may not be related or semi-related to topics in this class are to learn how to SSH tunnel in to my house so I can create a VPN I can use my own computers from remote locations and the other thing is similar, HTTP/S tunnel in for hosting. I think both things are similar and I think the main question is, do you have to port forward all routers, or can you just leave the bridged ones in bridge mode?

Wireshark is getting a lot more intuitive with all the questions about it, they were hard this week but good overall, the biggest thing I learned, the hard way, was that, to know if some program runs over a particular protocol someone is asking you if it's that protocol, capture/filter for that protocol and see if you capture it. For example, say if someone says, does good-program run over GP (good protocol)? You say 'gee, I don't know let me filter for that protocol and run that program and see if it shows up in what came through.' and you can find out the answer to that question that way. If it doesn't show up, then the answer is 'no, it doesn't run over that protocol', if it shows up, you can say 'there it is, so, yes, it does!'


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