Arlon's CSUMB Intro to HTML CSS JavaScript Node PHP and Web Programming CST-336 Module 3 Learning Journal #3/#43 for the week Wed 11/10-Tues 11/16, year 2021

Arlon's CSUMB Intro to HTML CSS JavaScript Node PHP and Web Programming CST-336 Module 3 Learning Journal #3/#43 for the week Wed 11/10-Tues 11/16, year 2021

Two main new topics this week are retrieving JSON data from web services with fetch, also validation, JQuery, forms, sumbmitting forms, and this week for homework we got to make a signup form and I chose earthquake API data service for my page so I made an earthquake search page:

And here's my signup form: Arlon's CST-336 Signup Form Let's see if I can put it in blogger in an iframe:

Thanks for reading!


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