Arlon's CSUMB Intro to HTML CSS JavaScript Node PHP and Web Programming CST-336 Modules 5&6 Learning Journal #5/#45 for the two weeks Wed 11/24-Tues 12/07, year 2021
Arlon's CSUMB Intro to HTML CSS JavaScript Node PHP and Web Programming CST-336 Modules 5&6 Learning Journal #5/#45 for the two weeks Wed 11/24-Tues 12/07, year 2021
Two main new topics this week are connecting Express to MySQL and subsequently practicing all CRUD MySQL actions with a complete, fully built website which included auto-form filling and auto-dropdown-option-populating from the database data, as well as instant Ajax page updating upon responses and creating and using an in-site API for database data retrival via fetch to a URL. The website's informational subject was based on famous quotes. Week 5 was the lower portion, the search, and I combined that with week 6's assignment which is the upper portion of the page, that has all CRUD features. (Mom: That's C.reate R.ead U.pdate, D.elete) Part of it is making it look cool too, so, that is why it is so cool looking.
Thanks for reading! And some more from previous weeks:
The link to my homework 4 /HW1 redone with Node and Express in is:
Everything's the same except now it's all extrapolated into express plus now every page says 'Hi, <Random Name>!' at the top (server side faker usage.)
And here's my signup form: Arlon's CST-336 Signup Form Let's see if I can put it in blogger in an iframe:
Thanks for reading!
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