Arlon's CSUMB Intro to HTML CSS JavaScript Node PHP and Web Programming CST-336 Modules 5&6 Learning Journal #5/#45 for the two weeks Wed 11/24-Tues 12/07, year 2021

Arlon's CSUMB Intro to HTML CSS JavaScript Node PHP and Web Programming CST-336 Modules 5&6 Learning Journal #5/#45 for the two weeks Wed 11/24-Tues 12/07, year 2021

Two main new topics this week are connecting Express to MySQL and subsequently practicing all CRUD MySQL actions with a complete, fully built website which included auto-form filling and auto-dropdown-option-populating from the database data, as well as instant Ajax page updating upon responses and creating and using an in-site API for database data retrival via fetch to a URL. The website's informational subject was based on famous quotes. Week 5 was the lower portion, the search, and I combined that with week 6's assignment which is the upper portion of the page, that has all CRUD features. (Mom: That's C.reate R.ead U.pdate, D.elete) Part of it is making it look cool too, so, that is why it is so cool looking. UFO drawn by Arlon in probably 1 minute

Thanks for reading! And some more from previous weeks:

Solar System Information page Saturn drawn by Arlon in probably 1 minute

The link to my homework 4 /HW1 redone with Node and Express in is: Happy CPU!

Everything's the same except now it's all extrapolated into express plus now every page says 'Hi, <Random Name>!' at the top (server side faker usage.)

And here's my signup form: Arlon's CST-336 Signup Form Let's see if I can put it in blogger in an iframe:

Thanks for reading!


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