Arlon's CSUMB Intro to HTML CSS JavaScript Node PHP and Web Programming CST-336 Modules 7 Learning Journal #7/#47 for the week Wed 12/08-Tues 12/14, year 2021

Arlon's CSUMB Intro to HTML CSS JavaScript Node PHP and Web Programming CST-336 Modules 7 Learning Journal #7/#47 for the week Wed 12/08-Tues 12/14, year 2021

Two main new topics this week are Ajax and smooth GUI development with an image search gallery example homework using unsplash images and a homework on authentication and sessions using Express with BCrypt for website security and keeping website users identities consistent across pages. Unsplash Image Search Gallery Asteroid Belt drawn by Arlon in probably 1 minute

Here's the Authentication & Sessions example pw: secret678. Ceres drawn by Arlon in probably 1 minute

Thanks for reading! And some more from previous weeks:

Quotes UFO drawn by Arlon in probably 1 minute

Solar System Information page Saturn drawn by Arlon in probably 1 minute

The link to my homework 4 /HW1 redone with Node and Express in is: Happy CPU!

Everything's the same except now it's all extrapolated into express plus now every page says 'Hi, <Random Name>!' at the top (server side faker usage.)

And here's my signup form: Arlon's CST-336 Signup Form Let's see if I can put it in blogger in an iframe:

Thanks for reading!


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