Arlon's CSUMB ProSeminar CST300 Module 4 Learning Journal for the week Wed 1/27-Tues 2/2, year 2021 My educational goals are specific but also broad reaching. I am an expert programmer and would like to gain system and network administration knowledge and maybe robotics building knowledge too, and definitely more mathematics knowledge. I started off in life, as a kid, with interest in puzzles, programming, math, science, mechanical and aesthetic design and architecture, going the direction of a mechanically inclined chemist, and wound up finding more math and interesting problems in physics, so began my higher educational path specifically toward physics and math knowledge, with programming as a very consistent hobby throughout. As more of a pure scientist, degrees, titles, certifications and the like were never my goal, but I think my projection of my persona to the world was viewed in high contrast. On one hand I had math and science teachers telling me I was one of the sm...
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