journal 57

This week we had lots of introductory Algorithms material to study, definitions, terms, graphs, trees, and some simple algorithms to study, plus learning the pseudocode syntax so we can read them.

Then we had a quiz on the same, and three homework programs in either/or Java or C++, solving three basic design-your-own algorithm problems, and we were allowed to use the languages' built-in containers. I had fun with the homework and it looks like I got a decent but room for improvement grade on my quiz. I personally did the homeworks in both Java and in C++, as a C++ refresher. (I'm a lot better at Java than C++ - I can write in Java and then somehow translate that to C++ but it's a lot harder for me to write in C++, even though I can, I even know some good tricks in C++ like making lambda API structures and hash APIs.)

This algorithm material is very, very important, but also very complex at first glance. But is well presented and in a very manageable and informative way, so it is digestable. I am very thankful for the well done presentation and am devouring it as fast and completely as I can.

I did not draw any of this graphitti of course but I did find it very near to the CSUMB campus. I just like the art, so I post pictures of it as art. I in not way encourage vandalism, but I can appreciate good art when I find it, and I think it's cool when I find hidden stuff like this. Since Algorithms class is a little graphical, but not particularly colorful or necessarily artistic, I add the graphitti photo in just to add some color and artisticness to this page. It's not necessarily related or some parallel or something, I was trying to think of one but it's just a squid picture. Trees (the data structure) are like squids, I guess, a little. Not one-eyed pirate squids dipping one tentacle into a strangley blue cacti's pot though.


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