This class is amazing, actually inspiring actual understanding of these algorithms. In algorithms #I class I memorized the algorithms lines, which did a lot, but somehow in this class the explanations presented are particularly well inspired to inspire understanding of the mechanics of the algorithms we are learning. I do the homeworks and study the material and do the quizzes last, and it seems like by the time I get to the quiz I actually understand the questions exactly how they are presented perfectly. I credit the class very highly for accurate and inspired teaching material and methodology and for giving us extremely relevant algorithms and great understanding of them!

I'm really excited about what I learned in the class.

Restoring my Dad's laptop from a seemingly nearly fried state the past weeks I learned a whole lot of stuff too, 4 gigs of ram on top of an existing 8 and an SSD to replace an apparently super slow 750 Gb actual spinning 2.5 " IDE Laptop drive did amazing wonders making it go from booting up in like 10 minutes to 1 minute or something, or less, maybe 30 seconds, amazingly faster, it looked and felt completely broken before now it seems like a normal computer all of a sudden.

I used dd on Mint to duplicate the drive as an image and disk-to-disk and ddrescue to restore the image. Tutorials are available on the internet and they work super good, using Mint which is a derivative of Ubuntu which is a derivative of Debian which is a type of Linux.

Recently I also discovered Ubuntu Budgie which is a really neat operating system and kind of seems to give Mac OS a good run for it's money! And another I found, Deepin, which seems like another great Debian variant that comes out of the box with some of my favorite features Windows has that I haven't gotten in Mint, for example clickable image window previews, where Mint just has image window previews, you can't click them and it sort of feels a little funny not being able to click them. But Deepin Linux fixed that you can click the window image previews to activate windows like you've been able to do in Windows since what was it Vista? Some others I found recently and picked out and liked overallthat looked interesting were iBuntu, GMac, PearOS, Pearl Linux & Elementary Linux. My pick of all those (for a new OS for my mom) was Ubuntu Budgie with a Mac-like interface but not trying to be mac, instead being it's own thing but using a mac-like paradigm I really liked. I haven't tested it enough to say I like it better than Mint or Knoppix yet but I think from what I've seen I think it is my very favorite Linux desktop overall I've sent yet. Not that LXDE with Compiz isn't super awesome.

Knoppix remains my all around favorite but it's neat having competitors that do the few things it can't like for example Netflix, that can be a gotcha. I know Mint can run Netflix, for sure. Knoppix, no. maybe.


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