
Showing posts from June, 2022


Tragically Data Science class has ended, I said how awesome it was, right? See previous blog. I'm alive, surviving four (FOUR!!) simultaneous CONCENTRATED classes. History class is great, I don't mind it half as much as I thought, it is a lot better than reading fiction, that's for sure. Thomas Jefferson is busted for bad viewpoints regarding race and racial differences. Ben Franklin and Benjamin Lay were super cool. John Adams was not that cool, his wife was cooler, Abigail. She told him to put women into the Declaration because there had been problems not including women and he literally laughed at her! The history teacher gives us a lot of really good attentive feed back. He alots us a huge amount of time for in-depth personal recorded responses to our papers. The flip side is we have so many papers it kind of reminds me of a concrete truck spraying tons of concrete at my face, the concrete being history readings. At first I thought the volume was ridiculous, but i...


Arlon's Journal 63 I haven't posted in the blog journal for a while because they keep us busy in Data Science class, and that is a great thing! We got tons of practice wrangling data, using various graphing tools such as matplotlib, pandas and seaborn to visualize and graph our data, and regression tools like KNearestNeigbor and LinearRegression learning algorithms from SciKit Learn, and creating amazing, huge, easy to read, very explanatory data science reports! We did some really exciting projects like predict used car prices from car features! You feed in a humungous array of used car data like # cylinders, whether it has AC, cruise control, leather seats, the car's mileage, all that, and then do various experiments using some and more of those features to first learn and then do predictions of price using the data set. Taking a stab at methodology toward estimating used car prices from an extensive data set is awesome! There were other amazing exercises too, li...