Hero Beautiful Butterfly Bita

Bita Fuzzy

Hero Beautiful Butterfly Bita

Forever now a beautiful butterfly, the embodiment of purest and most perfect perfection.

Hero Bita has left us - left this world for a more perfect reality

An existing perfect reality that is and which was her legacy here with us

Her spirit fills the world with an energy of perfection, an energy of perfect beauty outside of the perils and unnecessary problems of the world of the living.

Eternally perfect and pure she has become a monument of a new vision for a more perfect future

A vision for beauty, perfection, articulation and exaction and a new world age of comprehensive solution.

Her life and passing in entirety have given to this world and to the future a vision of fire

not fire of destruction but fire of passion and fire of purpose, fire of intent

and fury of creation benevolent artistic creation

This age can't turn back the past or look into the past

if in any day in the future the past can be looked into or repaired, 

The morning of July 6th, 2022 somewhere around 8-9 am, probably about 8:45 Bita was struck presumably by a vehicle

Whether the cause be a surprising turn out of the park, out of a parking space, surprising speed or a surprisingly quiet vehicle

Our hero made the fatal mistake of crossing the path of whatever hit her. The car probably did NOT know. Saint Brandon, the next car, stopped for her immediately after.

We had gotten up, she waited for us to get up to say good morning, hiss at Wichuti, and go in for her daily morning park adventure.

Her exuberant morning routine included excited trips across the street to the park, the church, the baseball field and the soccer field

She even enjoyed the thrill of passing through the hard concrete skatepark, which cats know is used purely for fun stuff

She could not have filled the world with more joy than she did

She stalked behind my computer every day to sit on her shelf

she had at lots of sleeping areas, in our room, the luxury suite, her bathroom apartment on the shelf, the living room penthouse perch

The dining room swatting perch, sometimes our bed, probably a nook under the house and maybe one or two more we didn't know about.

Normally 90% of the time she occupied her perch in the living room, looking down at what I was doing, out the window, or napping.

The window there let her look out at the world, observe cats walking down the street, around our house, dogs, people, traffic, park and church goers.

Her beauty of spirit, while seemingly unrecognized by our present society, embodied unsurpassable perfection.

Her legacy will be my foundation for the future - a building point from a perspective of purity and solution.

She lived like Jay - she was having the time of her life - she was the hub of our family

Each and every one of the seven of us - perhaps the dogs less so - five then - adored her - absolutely adored her -

 - and she adored us - and she adored her original mom, my mom, and her original dad, my dad.

We all pined over each other on a daily basis - perhaps less so the dogs - 

But we obsessed over each other - in a great way - because our family was very, very, very happy having her with us.

You could easily say she was the spark, the fire and the hub of our family during her mornfully abridged show for us.

The cats would look to see where she was, what she was doing, what their swat risk was.

If she was sleeping, someone might perhaps consider a nap-encroachment.

If she was on the move, she might need to get chased across the house by Harriett.

She would swat at Acie, and he would just duck, and put his ears back.

Wichuti was slowly but surely building up to a co-napping arrangement.

The dogs loved having a cat they could relate to very directly. Fangy got more than one surprise nose bop, on occasion.

Emma had a nearly perfectly matching orange and white-spotted co-hort.

Lindsay was glad to have a cat that could come inside and spend some quality family time in the house with the dogs.

She would sit above them while they ate, and ducked, while she swatted in their general direction.

A straw flower coconut contained the swatting which was spirited happy and playful and joyous.

She would leap across the running bathwater to JUMP into the bathroom window. She needed to look outside at the birds!

She was free to roam acres of land here and always too her daily nap right above my head on her perch while I worked.

To get up there she would always make a show prowling up to me and then behind my computer screen so she didn't disturb my work.

I never told her not to disturb my work - I let her go anywhere she wanted - but she knew I was working - so she stayed off the keyboard to be sweet.

Once in a while she would LEAP through the small space between me and the mouse board to get up there.

I'm sure my mom has lots of stories about her also very happy life at my parents house, before moving here in mid-February.

She loved my dad, she would sit on his computer and always sit where he was at when she was at their house.

She would run out to the gate, go exploring outside, then meet us at the gate when we came back home.

She loved rolling around in the driveway here and there, and loved to meet people.

Bita was and is a hero in lots of ways - she lived like Jesus - and she gave all she had for us. All we can do is take that spirit of perfection and mirror it back out onto the world.

To say she will be sorely missed is both an enormous understatement as well as not necessary - for we will mourn he physical loss to no end -

 - but her delicate and beautiful legacy of purity, innocence, joy and contribution fill our world now with continued love and connection with her spirit and with a deep and Godly meaningfulness of our existence.

One scary thing she showed us - is that - like Jay - that is one of the very best ways you could die - Hero Bear died in a similar way. Hero Bear was also a beautiful adored character deserving of his own poem, to be written.

With only one small visible injury, she was having the time of her life - and she must have gotten smacked right in the face, and most likely passed instantly. It looks like she was surprised by something.

So many horrible things could have happened, but she passed just as she lived - in a fleet of beauty and perfection - in a historically lasting capstone on her example of perfection and beauty as a legacy example for the future.

She went out like a butterfly, as she existed

She was a beautiful hub of our family - there are now seven of us - we all really, really, really love her

We dedicate the future to Bita

This poem has no end - because the story has no end. Bita's name was spelled Bitte by her original owners, meaning "you're welcome" in German. Thank You, Bita, Thank you so, so, so very very much!!! We love you!!!!!

The joke was that she was a bit of a biter, a very gentle biter, used as a mode of expression. Myself, I always knew her as Bita, same meaning, same pronunciation, just a slightly different spelling of the same word.

Forever now a beautiful butterfly, the embodiment of purest and most perfect perfection.

Hero Bita

Hero Beautiful Butterfly Bita

Sweet, sweet girl, we cherish your memory

Video 7/7/22 day after her passing, which was 7/6/22, 8:45 am - and probably for the day of her funeral, Friday 7/8 or Saturday, 7/9, Written by Arlon Arriola 7/6, 7/7, and 7/8+

Photos of Our Beloved: https://arlonscsumb.blogspot.com/2022/07/hero-beautiful-butterfly-bita.html

Bita Fuzzy


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