Rotary Encoders, Shift Registers, Anode & Cathode Seven Segment Displays, and Computer Related Questions

This Week's Required Reflections: 

What project milestones did you accomplish this week? If you're working in a team, please list what you personally contributed, not the project status overall. 

What is your plan for next week?

I have accomplished a lot of milestones this week in order to finally get the time to start building my final project, ValueBlaster:

  • Attended computer architecture class.
  • Perform a MIPS assembly language lab building struct arrays of hierarchical objects with a text and an integer component.
  • Perform an Arduino lab with a rotary encoder.
  • Perform an Arduino lab with a seven segment display.
  • Perform an Arduino lab with a shift register and a seven segment display.
  • Perform an Arduino lab with a shift register and seven segment displays of two types - anode and cathode.
  • Perform an Arduino lab with a rotary encoder, two shift registers and seven segment displays of two types - anode and cathode that counts down as a timer and resets if you press the button.
  • Take a computer related test.
  • Perform an Arduino lab combining a rotary encoder and a servo.
  • Update my resume.
  • Update my cover letter.
  • Review two other people's cover letters.
  • Review two other people's resumes.
  • Write this journal entry.

And now I can finally get to work on my final project. This week's final project milestone plans are to:

  • Build a small Python framework around it to provide it with parameters for I/O variation.
  • Get the Front-End Controls Interface Working.
  • Build a front page in Express that introduces the site and leads into the controls area.
  • Build a transition to a controls area.
  • Build some controls on a control page aimed toward used car data.
  • Create and include custom graphics and use fancy interface features such as rollovers, transition effects and an exciting appearance while utilizing intuitive design methodology.

Next week's planned for milestones the final project are:

  • Real Estate Functionality Added Alongside Used-Car Functionality.
  • Get a specific small data set of real estate data and modify the used-car valuation data science methodology to work with real estate data.
  • Add an exciting design split at the front page to choose between real estate or used cars.

The picture at the top is the Arduino lab with a rotary encoder, two shift registers and seven segment displays of two types - anode and cathode that counts down as a timer and resets if you press the button.


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