The Dawn of the Pet Petter
- What project milestones did you accomplish this week? If you're working in a team, please list what you personally contributed, not the project status overall.
- What is your plan for next week?
I did a lot in my final project last Tuesday and Wednesday, huge plans for the next four days and the days and weeks to come. I am ripping through it. I got all kinds of stuff going on it, and it's looking good. Everything I have works, I put dials, text entry, 360 degree front-to back full object-oriented communication, a rough theme. I got the data science working perfectly, hit a wall as far as data science value estimation functionality, and got quick and accurate help from the professor.
I revisited the paradigm of how I'm creating the site, spending a day Wednesday to second guess my methodology and try and go at the project in a simpler way. I was right the first time. I'm doing it right and it's coming out good. I might decide to squeeze in MLS data uploading, because the one catch to the way I'm setting it up is that there are no server cookies, so uploading data per use makes the project more custom and removes the need for cookies to save data.
I had to literally unexpectedly spend all day yesterday writing LaTeX (a total programming nightmare, pixel positioning, component-by-component, one-by-one) which looks like:
(eightEEN pages of that!!)
and which winds up looking something like:
( and TEN pages of that stuff!!)
for homework for that class. It's a lot - but I'm getting through it super fast, too.
That document was over a thousand lines:
That we even needed to do it was not specified until the day before - it looked like a hand written assignment the way the instructions were worded - but I found out and I busted it out yesterday, like a programming machine, ripping through things trying to get to my final project.
Earlier this week, as a lab for computer architecture class I created a pet petter with Arduino. The photo at the top is my dog Fang Noodlesley being petted automatically by the Pet Petter. That's not really his real name but Facebook said his real name wasn't a name so that's his fake name. He actually super likes the pet petter, I think because it's just a gentle feather tickle. The rotary encoder programming is a whole story in itself - I won't get to here, but suffice it to say if you're setting one up, use this page's advice: Rotary Encoder: Immediately Tame your Noisy Encoder! Find out how to Instantly Stop Switch Bounce using one of 2 software methods. Easily get Reliable Operation from your Encoder.
Next week's plans for the final project are to keep up with everything and get the final project done! I have a whole list, the items specified on the official project list are:
Week 3: Real Estate Functionality Added Alongside Used-Car Functionality
- Continue with Week 1 & 2's work which is both sufficiently done and also in-progress.
- Get a specific small data set of real estate data and modify the used-car valuation data science methodology to work with real estate data.
- Add an exciting design split at the front page to choose between real estate or used cars.
And that's basically accurate, but there is actually a lot of detail in each of those lines. And the feasibility is looking better and better all the time, and I still have other to-dos to knock out before I can continue with it, so, here I go! Pet Petter version 0.01 featuring Fang Noodlesley
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