Unplug-replug never fails

Unplug-replug never fails

Required reflections for the week:

  • What project milestones did you accomplish this week? If you're working in a team, please list what you personally contributed, not the project status overall.
  • What is your plan for next week?

The main milestone accomplished this week was finishing the video I created for my project:

This is it, the website in an iFrame, ValueBlast.Us:

Or if you want, you could visit the site:

Sub-milestones accomplished this week included:

  • I became knowledgeable in video editing
  • Also became knowledgeable in sound editing
  • And even knowledgeable in making my own sound effects now.
  • Most importantly, I became knowledgeable in session variables, but that was actually a few weeks ago.
  • I also took and presumably passed a final in architecture class this week, and turned in the two last homeworks for that class as well. One was super easy, cache trace exercises written in LaTeX, the other was medium-easy, a MIPs search program I had gotten mostly written a few weeks back to make sure it was done on time. In addition there was also another four hour lab I completed for that class.
  • Most of the week was for video edits, there was a two-minute addition and one minute and thirty seconds of cuts out of the video I had made last week.
  • There was an enormously amazing final presentation where all the students presented their final projects. I was utterly blown away by almost every single project.
  • I didn't recieve any awards mostly because the other projects were so amazing, but also because the beauty of mine is mostly in how I coded it. I think if it were a pure contest on coding I would have maybe had a better chance winning one of the categories. One project in particular stood out to me as being particularly next-level in complexity and highly advanced, and that project also was not a category award winner.
  • I didn't actually like my guitar riff song (which was actually my keyboard with effects on it) but to me it was more of a placeholder to indicate something like 'insert good guitar or techno riff here' and it was good enough to show something like that belonged there. I did really like some of the other videos that had attractive music playing gently in the background - I have no idea how to achieve that though, so I'll have to stick with my obnoxious guitar riff for now.
  • I've already written the ReadMe file for the program. The program is almost as fun to read as it was to write. One of my favorite commands in it is, to make the value get blasted away when a control gets modified, including the sound effect, it's:

    amountId being the HTML id of the field being blasted away and then to get it back it can say:
    val being what to put there when it puts the field back.

  • Finished and turned in the final project paper, part III
  • Wrote this Journal Entry

My plan for next week is eightfold, down from countless-fold. Well, considering Christmas, it might be right back up to countless-fold, quick, so I better not talk too fast, but anyway, the plan for school for next week is:

I need to complete one remaining lab in architecture class, a final lab report, and attend one lecture for that class.

In CST-499 I need to ask the professor to please re-look at my resume and cover letter from last week, because I had forgotten to 'share' them, so I had gotten a zero for a score on them. Then I need to make sure I got a passing or hopefully a great grade on my final project paper I turned in today. Once I know I've performed acceptably on the final report, I can formulate it together with the portfolio package we are turning turn in, and then turn it in. In addition, I need to complete the last journal for the course, as well as the course evaluation and curriculum exit evaluation. Also, keep checking emails during the week and after school ends, and hopefully I'm not forgetting anything, but I'll keep checking to make sure I'm not.

After school is out, I need to order my transcript from the JC, update my Drupal sites, pay an IRS bill, pay a hosting bill, get an outboard for my dad's old boat, and take it out ten times during the year so the harbor takes us off their these-guys-aren't-using-their-boat-for-some-reason list. In addition, I should probably send my old boss the latest insurance declaration page. Another item I need to get to is fix the DNS records on my arlon@arlonarriola.com email, because it's been messed up for like a month or more now.

I'm not sure what is up with my web cam, it only does that to me in the very most important of meetings, it's like it's posessed, and knows when something is super important. Then when it does happen I usually I just flip a setting off and on to fix it, but for the presentation that didn't work. So it must have definitely known this meeting was extra-extra important. I fell back on unplug-replug, and luckily that did it. Hopefully nobody got too bored or mad while I was trying to fix it. I know I scared some people, but I was overall ready for that to potentially happen. I had other fallbacks, like other people in the meeting sitting right next to me, I could have grabbed their cams if mine had utterly failed me. Thankfully unplug-replug works, no wonder they made an entire Southpark episode about that.

Thanks for reading!


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