Arlon's CSUMB Intro to Operating Systems CST-334 Module 8 Learning Journal #8/#32 for the week Wed 08/11-Tues 08/17 (Sat 8/14?), year 2021
Arlon's CSUMB Intro to Operating Systems CST-334 Module 8 Learning Journal #8/#32 for the week Wed 08/11-Tues 08/17 (Sat 8/14?), year 2021 Update Thursday 08/20/2021 - The school has officially notified me that these circumstances have been acknowledged, recorded, and presumably corrected as practicality permits, as well as considering actionability against observed offenders! Update Saturday - yeah - the final too - compromised - for that final, and for all the quizzes, and for the midterm, and also for the labs, cheaters literally could have literally simply drag-n-dropped the questions - to the chrome bar - to cheat - no typing necessary. I would never, ever, ever even consider anything like cheating and I am shocked and appalled. Update Friday 08/13/2021 Everyone should know, this class is entirely compromised, it's all for sale, every quiz and every lab, the midterm, probably the final too, all up for sale on the internet: