
Mirror, mirror ...

  Mirror, mirror ... I am going to give some reflections on some of my journals, starting with this one. This is the last required journal, and I like making them, so it's probably not going to be the last actual one. Sometimes I feel like I come across something important that should be shared, like The Pet-Petter I made, or the C framework object I made, or  ValueBlaster . The journal is good because you can't remember everything. I really liked, but had completely forgotten about until I ran across yesterday, my Java VLC-Remoter program I made in the first Java class we took here. It's a good thing I put it in my journal, to remind me to finish it, that will be a handy program. Plus, sometimes I like to share things I learned which I find amazing, even if they're known, for example, one very important thing probably lots of people already know about, but I personally hadn't learned until this curriculum was the JavaScript for - 'of' keyword. I've been...

Unplug-replug never fails

Unplug-replug never fails Required reflections for the week: What project milestones did you accomplish this week? If you're working in a team, please list what you personally contributed, not the project status overall. What is your plan for next week? The main milestone accomplished this week was finishing the video I created for my project: This is it, the website in an iFrame, ValueBlast.Us: Or if you want, you could visit the site: ValueBlast.Us Sub-milestones accomplished this week included: I became knowledgeable in video editing Also became knowledgeable in sound editing And even knowledgeable in making my own sound effects now. Most importantly, I became knowledgeable in session variables, but that was actually a few weeks ago. I also took and presumably passed a final in architecture class this week, and turned in the two last homeworks for that class as well. One was super easy, cache tra...

The Darkness Descendeth/Hollywood Here I Come!!

  The Darkness Descendeth/Hollywood Here I Come!! The week's required reflections: What did I do, and, what am I going to do next week? The first thing I did was started off with starting to make the video script. As I worked on it, I kept getting stuck on how I needed to fix the layout of the website. It was bugging me, and it was bugging my first client, so I switched gears that day, and re-attacked the layout, worried it would spiral into another project of it's own. But I was wrong, and it only took a little bit. The program is super controllable, and everything is super organized. I did a spectacular job on extrapolating the features it's built with, so all I had to do was rearrange the components, written in JSON, inside the JavaScript, and I took a couple out that weren't going to work out anyway, and I still had every type of component demonstrated in the interface, and everything fit perfectly on all the screen resolutions we use. It's even been reported to...


ValuBlast.Us!! Required reflections for the week: What project milestones did you accomplish this week? If you're working in a team, please list what you personally contributed, not the project status overall. I finished the site, published it at ValuBlast.Us, ValueBlast.Us, and , called four clients, met with three and corresponded with testing details for the project. Finishing the site involved an enormous list of perpetual 24-7 to-dos which I finished up around 4am this Sunday the 27th. I created the site in an awesomely scalable way by writing in a JSON parser that allows me to write the interface in JSON directives for easy customization and vast applicability. There are two interfaces built-in but anything is possible. The underlying data science code is amazingly minimal, which makes it all the more easy to customize if needed for wider applicability. I left off last weeks journal saying I had gotten all the front pages done and built all the grap...

The Heat is On

The heat is on! This weeks required reflections are: What project milestones did you accomplish this week? If you're working in a team, please list what you personally contributed, not the project status overall. What is your plan for next week? My milestones for the week are many, starting with turning in a four hour computer science architecture class lab including Arduino electronics and C programming language practice as well as SPIM/MIPS assembly language practice. and an obscure assembly language program comparing bits of 32 bit string integers in assembly language, which returns either the index of the closest match or -1 if there are more than seven bits difference. This includes use of knowledge in creating MIPS/SPIM function calls, storing $ra on the stack pointer, using the stack pointer to spill variables, recursion, memory storage, format conversion, and all kinds of obscure knowledge. We also began an enigmatic text exercises assignment which has proven challenging, e...

The Dawn of the Pet Petter

Required reflection for the week: What project milestones did you accomplish this week? If you're working in a team, please list what you personally contributed, not the project status overall. What is your plan for next week? I did a lot in my final project last Tuesday and Wednesday, huge plans for the next four days and the days and weeks to come. I am ripping through it. I got all kinds of stuff going on it, and it's looking good. Everything I have works, I put dials, text entry, 360 degree front-to back full object-oriented communication, a rough theme. I got the data science working perfectly, hit a wall as far as data science value estimation functionality, and got quick and accurate help from the professor. I revisited the paradigm of how I'm creating the site, spending a day Wednesday to second guess my methodology and try and go at the project in a simpler way. I was right the first time. I'm doing it right and it's coming out good. I might decide to squee...

Rotary Encoders, Shift Registers, Anode & Cathode Seven Segment Displays, and Computer Related Questions

This Week's Required Reflections:  What project milestones did you accomplish this week? If you're working in a team, please list what you personally contributed, not the project status overall.  What is your plan for next week? I have accomplished a lot of milestones this week in order to finally get the time to start building my final project, ValueBlaster: Attended computer architecture class. Perform a MIPS assembly language lab building struct arrays of hierarchical objects with a text and an integer component. Perform an Arduino lab with a rotary encoder. Perform an Arduino lab with a seven segment display. Perform an Arduino lab with a shift register and a seven segment display. Perform an Arduino lab with a shift register and seven segment displays of two types - anode and cathode. Perform an Arduino lab with a rotary encoder, two shift registers and seven segment displays of two types - anode and cathode that counts down as a timer and resets if you press the button. ...